Thursday, February 5, 2015

Where have you been?

This little critter has been gracing our deck for over 20 years. We put him in the basement during the winter to protect him from the inclement weather. But last summer when we went to fetch him he was nowhere to be found. We hunted everywhere!

Fast forward 18 months. When I pulled into the driveway yesterday there he was at his post on the deck. He gave me some cockamamie story about a trip to Australia. Apparently he headed South last winter to enjoy the warmer climate and stayed for awhile exploring the outback. But he decided to return since they're moving into fall. Really?

Monday, February 2, 2015

What's going on

Here it is the 2nd of February, the dead of winter, but our daffodil's say it's spring!
Today is a typical February day; short on color, long on rain. The landscape is a palette of grey. The languid fog kisses the water leaving a grey sheen. These are the days that drive non-natives mad. I find it strangely restorative.
So while the daffodils prepare to burst onto the scene I think I'll pour another cup of tea and watch the birds dancing in the rain.