Sunday, July 27, 2014

The grass is always greener

We make a trip each summer to a beautiful alpine lake in North Central Washington. It is a steep climb from the valley floor on a rock strewn, narrow road. Its not unusual for me to get out of our SUV and push large rocks out of our path. Hey, I'm not the driver. Nor, more importantly, am I afraid of heights. 

The eastern side of the lake and adjoining land are owned by the state. The southern portion is owned by the federal government. The rest is a cattle ranch.  As we drop down into the lake basin there are cattle wandering through the trees munching on dry grass. They're often standing IN the road which makes for slow going since we don't happen to have a grill guard affixed to our front bumper. As we near the lake there are several cattle guards to keep the quadrupeds from invading the rather primitive camp sites.

I woke early on our last day to mooing. No surprise except they sounded like they were under my pillow. So I poked my head out of our tent and guess what? They WERE milling about right outside our tent. Some wandered down to the lake to enjoy nice fresh, tall, green grass.

 Phil, I thought you said all the campers were gone!
As you can imagine I quickly rousted my husband and granddaughter. As we exited the tent the cows looked startled. I could just imagine them saying, "Phil, I thought you said all the campers were gone." As we stretched and marveled at the sight of these giants, they slowly ambled their way back to cow town. And how did they get back across the cattle guard you ask? They jumped. No, really....we watched as one-by-one they jumped across the cattle guard.


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